Build a Consulting Business Plan

Wudan Yan
Build an annual business plan using our business plan template.
Launch Playbook
Wudan Yan

Wudan Yan is an award-winning journalist, podcast producer, and entrepreneur based in Seattle. She is the co-founder and CEO of The Writers' Co-op, a learning academy and online community for freelance creatives.

By the end of this playbook

Build an annual business plan by identifying your values, goals, and what you want to accomplish by being a freelancer. Align your values and skill set with 3-4 service offerings and establish rates that are appropriate based on your experience and expertise to bring in the income that’ll allow you to live your ideal life.

Private network of peers to learn and build with
Education and resources made for independents
The best guidance to move forward
Exclusive data, insights, and deals
Quality programming and events
Seasoned experts to support you
A community of peers building alongisde you
A community of peers building alongisde you
A community of peers building alongisde you
A community of peers building alongisde you
A community of peers building alongisde you
A community of peers building alongisde you
The premier