Kevon Cheung

Kevon Cheung is an entrepreneur, author, and Build in Public coach. He founded Public Lab to help entrepreneurs cultivate a community around their work. He started with zero online presence. Through actively showing his work-in-progress in public on Twitter, he has built himself a voice and a business with tens of thousands of raving friends and fans.

By the end of this playbook

By the end of this playbook, you'll have a Twitter profile that showcases your value, boosts your credibility, and converts into real leads. Kevon walks you through his PIERS process that will turn your Twitter profile into a landing page for your business that helps you get more inbound leads and close more clients.

Private network of peers to learn and build with
Education and resources made for independents
The best guidance to move forward
Exclusive data, insights, and deals
Quality programming and events
Seasoned experts to support you
A community of peers building alongisde you
A community of peers building alongisde you
A community of peers building alongisde you
A community of peers building alongisde you
A community of peers building alongisde you
A community of peers building alongisde you
The premier