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Use PIERS to inject personality into your profile

By now you know what a Twitter profile is supposed to do. You also have an outcome-driven one-liner with a spiky point of view. But your profile is missing an essential element: you. We’re talking about the deep stuff, my friend.

To be able to show other people on Twitter who you are, you need to understand yourself very well. To help you do that, I created the PIERS framework (Principles, Interests, Exceptions, Reluctances, Strengths) to help me, and now you, discover things you don't know about yourself. 

PIERS helps you dig deep to find core things about yourself that you know innately but don’t necessarily know consciously. Over the next nine steps, we’ll go through each step of the PIERS framework.

Don’t feel bad if it takes a bit of time to get right. It can be hard to see yourself in a new light, so it’s okay to let things percolate a little bit. You can get the first draft down, go about your day, and then return to it when inspiration strikes.

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