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Show how you can solve their pain points

At this point, you have a general overview of their business and a firm understanding of their current project and pain points associated with it. As the conversation surrounding the project winds down, transition into where you fit into their equation.

Many writers want to skip this part, end the call, and send them a follow-up email or proposal. However, it’s important to state your case. Think of it this way: the prospect on the other end of the line may not have a firm grasp of what a copywriter even does – what it entails, all the processes and research involved, etc. – so now is your chance to prove your profession as ever so much more than just “writing some words.” ‍

On the other hand, the prospect may have been burned before by other hires and doesn’t know who to trust or who can really help them. By providing personalized problem-solving skills on the call, you’re setting yourself apart from other writers.‍

If you’re feeling too “salesy”, consider this:

The discovery call is not the same as a job interview. It is not an exam or an interrogation. And it is certainly not a “spiel” to win over a new client at any cost. It’s someone with a problem meeting with someone with a possible solution. You are not selling them, you are solving something for them.‍

If there is a good match, it’s the beginning of a blossoming relationship between you and your next client. If there isn’t, you can part as acquaintances and wish them well. ‍

X: I am selling a product/service

✔: I am solving a problem and/or helping them achieve a goal ‍

X: I am asking for too much money

✔: My prices are based on the long-term value I bring to this business

X: They don’t need/want my services… I shouldn’t push too much

✔: I am qualified to fill a need this prospect is actively searching for

That perspective shift not only takes the pressure off needing to perform but also lays the ground for a more confident mindset, setting you up as a professional who knows what a Discovery call is all about.

Repeat back to them what you’ve understood

The length here may depend on how much active listening you’ve shown throughout the conversation, but let’s say you simply asked questions, let them speak, and now you’re ready to sell your service. ‍

Let’s take a look at what Alex says in his script:‍

Great! Thank you for sharing that information. From what I’ve heard, you’re looking to create three new landing pages related to a new product launch with the goal of a 4% conversion rate. You’ve got brand guidelines, unique selling points planned out, and a small marketing team ready to help out.

Go to your workbook and create your own script. ‍

Then, introduce yourself and share your process.

Transition into talking about yourself by providing a quick overview of who you are, your relevant experience, and your expertise. 

For example, 

In my business, I help SaaS businesses craft landing pages complete with creative headlines, persuasive benefit statements, and a compelling call-to-action. I’ve worked with similar companies such as Onboard and Salesforce, helping garner a 3-5% average conversion rate for many of their pages so I’m confident I can help you.

Go to your workbook and create your own script. ‍

If you haven’t already, tailor it to their needs based on what you learned 

The research will light the way, but I always make sure the information in the landing page meets your audience’s expectations based on the ads you will create. It sounds like you have a lot of data about this, so I’ll include those ads as part of the research process.

Go to your workbook and create your own script. ‍

Be transparent about where you can and cannot help

For example, if the prospect asked Alex to deliver a designed landing page, they may add this at the end: ‍

To be upfront, I do not do any design. While I can wireframe this landing page to give us all a clear blueprint of the structure and flow of the page, I cannot help implement the design phase. However, I do work with an amazing designer who I trust for such projects so I’d be happy to bring her on board if you’d like to tackle both portions with me.

Go to your workbook and finish your script!

In this step, you’ve learned how to set yourself up as the expert and suggest a solution. Even if selling yourself still feels strange, you now know how crucial it is to do – especially before you start talking about the budget with the prospect (which you’ll learn in the next step). If you nailed this section, your prospect is now primed and ready to close the deal with you.

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