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Ritualize goal setting

Now, your schedule for the week should be helping you understand how to prioritize your interests and commitments, work in a way that energizes you, and connect with others around you. 

When you freelance, you don’t have built-in performance reviews or OKR setting, and it’s up to you to create moments for planning, reflection, and dreaming. When you’re juggling a lot of tasks, it can be hard to make time for this.

Groove believes in socializing accomplishments: We celebrate wins together and tackle our goals together. You may be doing all the work yourself, but it can feel more motivating, encouraging, and joyful to look backwards and forwards with others.

In this step, we’ll create a schedule for ritualized goal-setting and reflection time, in the company of others.

Creating a ritual

Mastering habit setting can be incredibly useful in our day-to-day routines. James Clear’s Atomic Habits is a great resource for learning tips and tricks to do so, such as habit stacking or creating micro-habits.

But we think the most powerful activities we add to our lives and busy schedules aren't just habits or routines, but rituals. You may be wondering what the difference is. 

In The Power of Ritual, Casper ter Kuile says that habits become rituals with the addition of attention and intention

Creating and participating in rituals can also be an important aspect of community building and nurturing. 

With this step, you’ll go from fitting in some goal setting by yourself, every once in a while, to ritualizing, taking the time to reflect, in the company of others. It’ll be more powerful — more inspiring, and give you greater accountability as you work towards your goals.

Build structure around goal setting

Together, we’ll determine a practice and frequency for goal setting.

  1. Do you already have goal-setting practices, or will this be entirely new to you? Either way, note down how often you want to be goal-setting — whether weekly, monthly, yearly, or any other frequency.

  • If you’re not sure, we recommend starting with quarterly goal setting. Once you put it on your calendar, it should happen that day. Be non-negotiable with it, just like your life activities, or else you’ll just keep putting it off.

2. Reflect on what you’d like to accomplish during goal setting. It can be as simple as intention setting, or as complex as creating numbers-based targets. 

  • Here’s a good chance to add in how you’d like to feel during your goal-setting ritual, and if you can add in anything that'll make it more fun or easy to do. Light a candle you love, do it with other freelancers who work in a similar field, or always do it outside in a park.

3. Consider how long you’ll need for this practice. 

  • Try to make it in as little time as possible. Sometimes it feels like we need a lot of time, but it can be simple and will be easier to fit in if so.

4. Schedule it on your calendar

Here’s Sam’s for inspiration. They replaced yoga on Sunday with goal setting for this week.

5. Now’s the often-forgotten part: Consider what structures you’ll need in place to achieve those goals. 

  • Sign up for Groove and get on-demand accountability via our 50-minute focus sessions. Put yourself on the hook with others, like other freelancers. You don’t even need to do the goal setting together, but make sure to tell each other you did it, and share what your goals are.

Note: If you would like to hop on an already existing ritual, you’re invited to Groove’s monthly goal-planning parties.


In this step, you’ve created your schedule for a socially connected week. Including:

  • Your activities in life that are non-negotiables that work must fit around.

  • A work schedule that works for you.

  • At least three moments for social connection.

All of that should create a week that feels feasible, energizing, and most importantly, flexible for your life. The beauty of being a freelancer is that your time is yours, so use it how you like!

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