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Make time for regular reflection

Try and do some reflecting every week

We’re going to create a practice and frequency for reflection on what we’ve accomplished. Just as important as looking forward with goal setting, is looking back on what we’ve accomplished. As with goal setting, do you already have built-in reflection practices, or will this be entirely new to you? 

1. Note down how often you want to be reflecting, whether weekly, monthly, yearly or any other frequency.

Note: This could be tied to your goal-setting rituals, and be something you do first before you jump into goal-setting.

2. Think about how often you want to be celebrating wins, big or small.

  • We recommend at least once a week. These don’t have to be solely related to work — pat yourself on the back for making time for reading, or journaling each morning.

3. Write down some ways you’d like to incorporate others and socialize your accomplishments. It could be:

  • On social media.

  • In a group text.

  • In a Slack group.

  • A weekly coffee date with a friend.

This isn’t just about celebrating yourself with others, but creating spaces where others can celebrate their wins with you as well.

4. Make sure to celebrate the big moments — what’s the equivalent of getting a promotion for you as a freelancer? Think landing a big client or giving yourself a raise and hitting a revenue goal. Celebrate these moments with others like friends, your partner, or your family. 

Playbook recap

And with that, we’ve reached the end of the playbook! You’ve crafted a schedule for your week that builds in moments for social connection, flows with your energy, helps you stay motivated, and prioritizes work-life harmony.

Remember to regularly check in on your intentions around these activities and schedules, and see if they’re still serving you. 

Each season of our lives is different, so we recommend doing this exercise 1-2 times a year to see if this schedule still works for your current season.

If you want to dive deeper into these subjects, we recommend checking out the following books we’re huge fans of:

Time is our most valuable resource, and you’ve taken a good hard look at what is working for you and what isn’t. That’s no small feat! You’ll now be dictating the schedule that works best for you, and not letting your schedule dictate you.

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