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Write your article for your dream client to find and hire you

In the last step, you found a great set of keywords to target. Now, from the table you made earlier in this step, pick the most interesting or fun keyword. 

Write the article!

How to write your article

There’s only so much I can do on my end to help you since you’re the one sitting down to type at your computer. Here are a few tips to keep in mind while you write. 

  • Aim for at least 1,000 words. This gives you a chance to show your expertise in the subject!

  • Browse on Medium to get a sense of what’s popular, what title styles work, and what you personally like.

  • Get a friend to read your article. A second set of eyes can improve your article a lot. Remember, this article is basically acting as your pitch!

  • You should aim to have 1% saturation for your keyword. This means that if your article ends up being 1000 words, the keyword shows up ten times.


In this step, you did the hardest step: you wrote the first article. All your thinking and planning paid off, and you are now the proud owner of a kick-ass article that has a strong chance of attracting your dream client.

In the next step, you’ll offer a way for clients to contact and hire you. 

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