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About Pollen

Our mission

Work is changing. More and more people are betting on themselves and paving their own path -  but the current system isn’t set up to support unique independent careers.

We understand this because we’ve experienced it. We’ve felt first hand the challenge to find trustworthy resources and support systems for businesses like ours. Choosing this path isn’t easy, but we believe it should be easier.

We built Pollen to demystify the business of self employment. Pollen is the first step and ongoing blueprint for anyone working for themselves, through access to vetted business resources and a powerful network during every phase. We’re here to help you build your own custom made career.


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Hillary Bush

Founder & CEO

Leszek Juraszczyk


Devon Miller


Melissa Frost

Operations & Strategy

Morgan Steele


Sam Sorscher


Jess Little



Pollen membership pricing
Unlock the full power of a Pollen membership to take your
independent consulting business to the next level.
Billed quarterly
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Your Pollen membership includes unlimited access to
Sprints, events, and live workshops
Vetted community of peers and experts
Premium resources and tools